From the trend that has happened thus far, one would assume
the fate of Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol to be dismal, but in fact this
is far from the truth. In most cases,
sequels never match the original, especially a fourth, but this is the case
here. One of the oldest tactics is used
here and that is learning from your mistakes.
Yes it may not be a pleasant road to glory but it certainly can be
effective. Ghost Protocol if the perfect
mix of the previous Mission Impossible movies and achieves greater success
because of it. A new director on board, again,
Ethan Hunt also finds himself fit with a new crew. His mission- stopping the detonation of a nuclear
warhead by a Russian extremist leader after an attack on the Kremlin puts the
U.S. and Russia at Cold War odds once again.
A standard element of the Mission Impossible series, Ethan’s mission
takes viewers all over the world, as we find our team impersonating high
ranking officials in Moscow and grappling up the world’s tallest building in Abu
Setting itself apart from the previous three films, Ghost
Protocol understands what it takes to make a great action film and knows how
to go about doing so. On the eve of a
nuclear catastrophe, we should assume that something like a nuclear attack on
the U.S. will not happen (unless it was in the hands of Quentin Tarantino i.e. Inglorious Basterds) but that’s fine. Good prevails
over evil, but it is how this is achieved where we find the real entertainment.
Those who made Ghost Protocol must have known this or I imagine they would
not have written in something as dreadful as a nuclear attack into the script.
Ethan Hunt, as always, is outfitted with all the latest and
greatest gadgets that put the iPhone to shame.
But even better, he’s also got himself a new team, who in my opinion
really make the film such an enjoyable experience. Actors Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg and Paula
Patton who make up the new team have wonderful chemistry on screen. Whether it’s during the mission’s downtime or
while grappling up the side of the Burj, Pegg’s character in particular always
finds time to interject a few wise cracks, allowing the film to appeal for
comedic reasons beyond just the action, which mind you is top notch. But his jokes are not done in excess taking
away from the real point of this action film.
In this way, the movie strays away from being they type of action flick
solely bent on explosions and car chases for success.
My only objection to with the movie came initially with
the casting of Jeremy Renner who recently received an Oscar nod for his cold blooded
bomb diffusing abilities in The Hurt Locker. In Ghost Protocol he plays a naïve analyst that after a sudden attack
is forced to join Hunt’s team while initially not being assigned. It was difficult for me to take him as this panicky
government worker calling to mind his Oscar winning role from years prior. I was waiting for him to pull out his bomb
kit and go to work. A minor issue indeed, but I will say this problem is accounted
for and my perceptions of Renner’s character are compromised. In the end, I could find no other problem
with this terrific fourth film- mission accomplished.
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