For me, the joy of a new year comes in the form of movies. Its comes on many different levels too. Whether its the long awaited witnessing of the next PTA or Quentin Tarantino film to childhood favorites returning in the form of sequels (Men In Black III), I often define a year by the movies that were released that year. Below is a list of the movies I am most looking forward to and hoping to see in the new year. If there's one a missed, let me know. Further details for each individual movie are forthcoming.
+ Because many of these movies do not have definitive release dates, I decided it would be easiest to order them alphabetically.
Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Cogan's Trade
Damsels In Distress
The Dark Knight Rises
The Dictator
Django Unchained
The Great Gatsby

He Loves Me

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
The Hunger Games
Inside Llewyn Davis

Les Miserables


The Master

Men In Black III
Moonrise Kingdom
Nero Fiddled

Only God Forgives


The Silver Linings Playbook


This Is Forty

Notable Rumors
Kathryn Bigelow

Spike Lee

Terrence Malick

Spike Jonze & Charlie Kaufman

Good idea for a post, I'm thinking of doing my own once I get through the Sundance, Toronto, London, Berlin festival lists. A few of these titles are unknown to me, and I will be looking into, thanks! Another Whit Stillman fanboy I see ( :